Welcome to Central Kentucky East FCA

To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
(Serving Madison, Clark, Montgomery, Powell, Estill, Lee, Owsley, & Garrard Counties)


8 Essentials to Strengthen Your Faith

When you make a decision to follow Jesus, you are beginning the journey of a lifetime—a discipleship journey. This journey is a lifelong pursuit of becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ, or what we call, a disciple.

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Winter Recharge 2025

We had 124 students from across the state join us at our 2025 College Winter Recharge Retreat, including many from EKU.  Check out  his video for a glimpse of what how God was working in the lives of our college student-athletes!
Watch Video with Sound

 A New Way To Help Support Central Kentucky East FCA

More Ways to Support Central KY East FCA

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Follow us @ckyeastfca

Ministry Leader Application (MLA)

If you have a desire to volunteer with FCA and serve as a Ministry Leader, please complete our Ministry Leader Application (MLA). You will find the FCA experience to be one of the best investments of your life.

This application must be completed for adult leaders who work with youth under the age of 18. By completing the application, you are only expressing a desire to serve with FCA. It does not mean that you are accepted as a Ministry Leader, because you have completed an application. The local FCA staff and the National FCA office will screen your application.

As a volunteer leader, you will serve under the leadership of the local FCA staff. They will train and equip you to serve Christ through the various FCA Ministries. Thank you for considering a partnership with FCA

FCA Resources

Be sure to visit fcaresources.com for a ton of devotions, Bible studies, huddle helps, videos,logos, and much more that can help your team and school FCA Huddles

FCA Daily Impact Play Devotional

Sign up here to receive a daily sports-themed devotion from FCA.  This is a great resource for your personal growth as well as anyone you are working with.

FCA YouVersion Bible Plans

FCA's reading plans are perfect for a 1-on-1, Huddle, or event environments. Download a variety of reading plans, in multiple languages, to get you plunged into God's Word.

See Plans

Great Ways to Get Involved

FCA has a variety of opportunities to join our team

Contact Us


Order the latest FCA gear, bibles, and resources at the all new FCAGear.com

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